Michael Chrysler CNP, NNCP is a Holistic Nutritionist and clinical practitioner with the Canadian Association of Natural Nutritional Practitioners (CANNP). He is dedicated to the science of natural healing and aims to make a difference in as many people's lives as possible. He begins each client relationship with a deep dive into their body's bio-individual needs and unique requirements. Michael strives to educate and empower his clients so they can lead healthier, happier lives.
Michael Chrysler graduated from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition with First Class Honours, where he was the Valedictorian of the class of 2021. Michael has fresh insight and in depth knowledge of holistic nutrition and a passion for investigative healing focusing on the root cause. In practice, he has observed that the body is a self healing, self regulating mechanism, which when the physical, emotional, social, spiritual and mental needs of an individual are met, anything is possible.
Transform your health and achieve your weight loss goals with our comprehensive Metabolic Balance program. Our service includes a free discovery call to learn more about your needs, followed by a complete holistic health intake package and comprehensive blood test analysis. With bio-individual recommendations and a custom 4 phase meal plan program, we will support you every step of the way, from a complete holistic intake, to nutritional coaching sessions and a final future planning coaching session. Plus, you'll receive email support for 90 days to ensure you have all the resources and guidance you need for long-term success. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you today.
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